Carl Junction Schools

Changing the World

District home page Announcements

    • Important links

      • New Student Enrollment for the current school year 2024-25
      • Returning Students' Back-to-School Forms - You will need a secure "snap" code for each student to use in the link. Please request your "snap" code from your school office.
      • PowerSchool Parent Portal: Your PowerSchool Parent Portal is a different program than the Enrollment or Back-to-School Forms. You will need to create a NEW account the first time you log in. Your school office can provide the access codes and passwords for your students to add them to your Parent Portal.
      • SchoolCafe and Payment Portal: Menus, student lunch accounts, free and reduced lunch applications are all in SchoolCafe. You can also pay Chromebook fees in SchoolCafe. Your school office can provide your student's ID# to set up your account.
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  • 2024-2025 School Calendar - approved 2/26/24

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Carl Junction Schools

Student Safety Report

  • Bullying/Violence Reporting Hotline: You may submit anonymous reports of bullying and violence through the Sprigeo reporting system. Click the link below to go to the online report. Your report will be reviewed on the next regular school day. If you need to report an emergency, please call 911.

    Be Safe Sprigeo logo