• Announcements


    Did you fail a class first semester? You can make up that credit with credit recovery instead of retaking it next year. The Credit Recovery Lab is located in Room 208 and is open after school, Monday through Thursday, until 5:00 p.m.


    If you are a junior or senior who is interested in playing a sport in college, you need to talk with Ms. Ketterman about creating your NCAA account. Email her if you have not gotten information from her about NCAA.

    All students who want to play a sport in college need to be aware that there are specific credit requirements for high school to be eligible in college.



    Needing help in any of your classes? You have access to tutoring Monday-Thursday after in Room 305 from 3:15-4:15. The tutors are students who are earning hours for the A+ Scholarship. It is a great place to get help and advice from students who have taken and been successful in your classes before.






    March is a tough month. It's long.
    You still need to put in the work to pass your classes, even though you don't want to. You probably need some grit to get through. In the TedTalk excerpt below, Dr. Angela Duckworth says that grit is the best predictor of long term success in students. Find out what grit is by watching and reading more here. You can learn about growth mindset in a Khan Academy course on the subject!



    End of Course Exams will be taken in Algebra I (and Principles of Algebra), LA II, American Government, and Biology. The testing window is April 29 - May 10. If you are enrolled in any of those courses, you will start preparing for the exams soon!

    End of Course Exams will be taken in Algebra I (and Principles of Algebra), LA II, American Government, and Biology. The testing window is April 29 - May 10. If you are enrolled in any of those courses, you will start preparing for the exams soon! 















    Follow us on social media@cjhscounseling
  • ACT

  • The Caring Closet was created by Carl Junction students in a Service Learning class. The goal is help students have access to hygiene items they need in a private way.  
    Click here to fill out the Caring Closet Form to request the items you need and our school nurse will place them in your locker for you.