• Announcements



     Hop onto actstudent.org to register!


    Enrollment for next year is right around the corner. If you will be a junior or senior next year, and now is a good time to start researching programs like Franklin TechCarthage Tech, (upcoming juniors) and MOSO CAPS (upcoming juniors or seniors).



    Naviance is the new Missouri Connections, plus a whole lot more!

    You have access to it right now through the Student Apps Dashboard. You can log in and check it out. Counselors will be coming to LA classes soon to show you a little bit more about it.




    Seniors, a new resource has been created to help seniors and their parents navigate the FAFSA this year. Head to MOFAFSA.org for everything you need to know about the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).



    Needing help in any of your classes? You have access to tutoring Monday-Thursday after in Room 211 from 3:15-4:15. The tutors are students who are earning hours for the A+ Scholarship. It is a great place to get help and advice from students who have taken and been successful in your classes before.



    Do you have a class to make up in Credit Recovery? The Credit Recovery Lab is located in Room 203 and is open after school, Monday through Thursday, until 5:00 p.m. If you failed a class last school year and need to be added to Credit Recovery, then talk to your school counselor.




    Follow us on social media@cjhscounseling


  • The Caring Closet was created by Carl Junction students in a Service Learning class. The goal is help students have access to hygiene items they need in a private way.  
    Click here to fill out the Caring Closet Form to request the items you need and our school nurse will place them in your locker for you.