Primary 2nd & 3rd

Changing the World


Upcoming Events

View Calendar

    Doors open each day at 7:40 am

    Students enter classrooms at 7:55 am

    Tardy bell is at 8:05 am

    The end of the school day is 3:20 pm M-Th

    CJ Fridays are "early out" at 2:10 pm


Get Involved

  • Bright Futues
    Many of us remember taking snacks to school on our birthday to celebrate with our classmates. There are times though that children don't get to have this celebration because their families cannot provide the extra snacks. The Primary 2-3 Bright Futures Site Council would like to make sure that every child gets to have a birthday with their class. If you would like to help us stock the "Birthday Closet," you may drop off individually wrapped snacks in quantities of 30 with a shelf life of 3+ months in the office.