• Here is the information that you will need as you consider the educational instruction options for your student.

    Kindergarten - 5th Grade: Carl Junction offers two (2) Educational Options

    •  Traditional, in-class learning five days a week.
    •  Fulltime Virtual Instruction is through MOCAP. Students will be withdrawn from Carl Junction Schools and enrolled in the chosen program's host district.

     6th - 12th Grade: Carl Junction offers three (3) Educational Options

    • Traditional, in-class learning five days a week. 
    • Fulltime Virtual Instruction is through MOCAP. Students will be withdrawn from Carl Junction Schools and enrolled in the chosen program's host district. Please communicate with your school office about your intent to go fully virtual. This will allow the school to prepare the transfer documents needed for you to enroll in the virtual program of your choice.
    • Blended Instruction, in-class learning & virtual instruction. Students will remain enrolled in Carl Junction Schools and will select virtual classes that fit into the student's educational plan.


    Fulltime Virtual Instruction: MOCAP Information

    Blended Instruction: The district's preferred provider is LAUNCH, a Missouri-based company focusing solely on Missouri learning standards and taught by Missouri teachers.

    Blended Instruction

    • For current Carl Junction students, complete the necessary forms to request virtual classes for your students by the deadline. Please review the information provided on the MOCAP website.  
    • For students new to Carl Junction Schools at the beginning of the semester - After you complete and submit the online student registration forms, you must complete the necessary forms to request virtual classes for your student by the deadline. Please review the information provided by the MOCAP website.

    **6th - 8th Grade: Request to Enroll in MOCAP Virtual Courses Spring 2024

    **9th - 12th Grade: Please visit the High School Website at www.cjr1.org/cjhs.

    If you have questions regarding the educational choice for your student, please contact your child's building principal.

    Link to District Policy - Virtual Learning

Last Modified on November 14, 2023