Bright Futures Mission
Bright Futures – Carl Junction is dedicated to enriching the lives of children by bringing our community together through developing relationships, supporting education, channeling resources, and removing barriers. In doing so, we will empower children to learn, lead, and serve now and in the future.
How can you help?
- Like and follow our Facebook Page
- Monetary donations
- Send check to: Bright Futures Carl Junction, 206 S. Roney, Carl Junction, MO 64834. (Bright Futures under the Carl Junction Educational Foundation is a 501c3 organization.)
- Volunteer! Whether a group, club, organization, or single person, we would love your help! Reach out to us by phone or email and we will get back to you!
- Donate food to the Weekend Food Pack program. Items needed include granola bars, chicken noodle soup, canned soup, jars of creamy peanut butter, and peanut butter snack crackers.
- Donate new tennis shoes, underwear, socks, or coats.
Bright Futures' Events
If you are in need of assistance with school supplies and your K-12th grade student(s) attend Carl Junction Schools, please register by clicking
About Bright Futures Carl Junction
Bright Futures Carl Junction strives to help students achieve success by matching student needs with resources through partnerships between the schools and the community.
Those partnership areas include faith-based, social/human services, businesses, and parents. Volunteers will be asked to give of their "time, talent, and treasure" to help children.
The Bright Futures initiative goals are to build relationships, provide for individual needs, and ensure every child has the tools they need to be successful students who in turn become productive and self-sustaining citizens, loving parents, responsible neighbors, and outstanding employees.
Through its organizational structure, Bright Futures provides a framework for expanding current programs such as the Weekend Food Pack program, Spirit Wear/Share, Stuff the Bus school supply drive, and Bulldog Buddies/Mentors, as well as initiating new programs to support students.
Bright Futures strives to meet individual student's basic needs using Facebook and Twitter as a rapid response system. The goal is to meet any student's need within 24 hours. To become a fan, click here.
Bright Futures Councils at each school include representatives from each of the partnership areas and will meet regularly with school personnel to assess and develop plans to meet the needs of the school and its students.
Contact us at brightfutures@cjr1.org or 417-649-1302