Tornado Safety Tips

  • Tornado Safety Tips

    • Prepare an emergency kit and make a family communications plan.

    • Listen to NOAA Weather Radio or local radio and television stations for the latest information.

    • Ensure your NOAA Weather Radio has fresh batteries and is set to the correct frequency to receive a warning for your area.

    • During a Tornado Watch, stay aware of the weather conditions and updates. Locate radio, phone, shoes, purse/wallet, blanket, and flashlight.

    • Identify an emergency shelter location in or near your home. The safest place is the interior part of a basement or storm cellar. If there is not a basement, use an inside room on the lowest floor i.e., center hallway, bathroom, or closet. Avoid windows, skylights, or glass doors which could be broken by strong winds or hail and cause damage or injury.

    • During a Tornado Warning, go to your safe place, cover yourself with blankets or mattresses.

    • Mobile homes provide no protection from tornados. At the first sign of an approaching storm, go immediately to a safe building.

    • DO NOT TRY TO OUTRUN A TORNADO IN YOUR CAR. Do not take shelter under a highway overpass.


    Be Weather Aware and Make a Plan.


    Severe Weather Resources

Last Modified on January 24, 2020