- Carl Junction High School
- 2025-26 Course List
- World Language
- Spanish III & IV
Planning Guide
Page Navigation
- CJHS Planning Guide
Policies & General Information
- Enrollment Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Suggested Plan of Study with Mandated Courses
- Schedule Change Information & Policy
- High School Proficiency Testing Policy
- Part-Time Attendance & Early Graduation Guidelines
- Alternative Programs for Completion of Graduation Requirements
- Academic Honors
- Definitions of Terms
- Grading Scale
- Gifted Education Policy
- Accommodation of Students with Disabilities (including those not eligible for Special Services)
- Students Eligible for Special Education Services Under IDEA
- Title IX Compliance
- A+ Schools Program
- Transcripts
- Dual Credit / Dual Enrollment / Distance Learning
- Dual Credit Course Offerings
- Accuplacer Exam Information
- NCAA / NAIA Athletics
- Career Planning
2025-26 Course List
- Agriculture
Business Technology
- Personal Finance
- Accounting
- Global Business Technology
- Multimedia
- Video Productions
- Advanced Video Productions, Advertising, and Marketing
- Graphic Design & Marketing
- Business Management
- Business Management II
- Service Learning & Leadership in the Workplace
- Community Internship
- Supervised Business Experience (SBE)
Communication Arts
Language Arts
- Elements of Literacy
- Language Arts I
- Language Arts I Advanced
- Language Arts I Enrichment
- Language Arts II
- Language Arts II Advanced
- Language Arts II Enrichment
- Language Arts III
- Language Arts III Advanced
- Language Arts IV: Technical Writing
- CP Language Arts IV
- DC English Comp 101 & 102 (Crowder ENG 101 & ENG 102)
- Advanced Placement Language Arts IV
- Oral Communications
- DC Oral Communications (Missouri State COM 115)
- DC Introduction to Literature (MSU ENG 200 Great Books & Instant Classics)
- Creative Writing
- Fictional Literature
- Yearbook
- Speech & Debate
Language Arts
- Family & Consumer Science
- Fine Arts
- Industrial Technology
- Mathematics
- Physical Education
- Science
- Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM)
- Social Studies
- World Language
- Air Force Junior ROTC
Special Offerings
- Dual Credit / Dual Enrollment / Distance Learning
- Missouri Southern Center for Advanced Professional Studies (MOSO CAPS)
- Cadet Teaching (MSSU EDUC 100 Introduction to Teacher Education)
- Community Connected Leadership
- Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Crowder College)
- Launch Online Program: High School Courses
- Computer Science Essentials
- Office Aide
- Freshman/Sophomore Enrichment
- Junior Enrichment
- Senior Enrichment
- STEM Enrichment
- Library Science
- Outdoor Pursuits Assistant
- Fine Arts Assistant
- Carthage Technical Center
- Franklin Technology Center
- 2024-25 Enrollment Forms & Instructions
- Return to Counseling Office Website
SPANISH III & SPANISH IV (ADVANCED SPANISH)This course is designed for academically motivated students. It continues the development of interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational communication skills, allowing students to support opinions, propose solutions, and interpret principal elements of authentic texts. Students will understand and be understood by native speakers. Spanish will be used for classroom instruction and interactions. Hispanic literature, art, and history will be studied. Assessments are both formal and performance-based. (One-credit, one-year elective for grades 11-12) Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish II or III. It is strongly recommended that students who enroll in this course have maintained a “B” or above in previous Spanish courses.