• Schedule Change Information and Policy
    We make every attempt to create a master schedule that allows students to select the classes they need and want.  While every effort is made to help students find a workable schedule, in some cases, conflicts exist and students must take alternative classes.  The high school administrators, counselors, and teachers work together in making decisions that guide students into the appropriate courses. Student performance on local, state, and national assessments is used to determine placement.  To be considered for approval, student-initiated schedule changes must meet the schedule change guidelines and reflect appropriate academic abilities.  Schedule changes which meet the following policy guidelines will be considered during the designated schedule change dates.  After these deadlines, no changes will be made - NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.
    First Semester
    The deadline for making changes is listed on the student schedules.  Students are responsible for making the appropriate arrangements and making changes according to the deadline.  No schedules will be changed after the designated schedule change deadline unless initiated by the teacher and approved by administration.
    Second Semester
    Schedule changes for second semester must be made prior to the start of the new semester.  Procedures and deadlines will be in daily announcements and on the Counseling Office website.  It is the student's responsibility to contact his/her counselor to discuss and initiate the schedule change process.
    Semester-Length Courses - Students may make a schedule change for a semester class as long as they meet prerequisite requirements, the class is not full, and the change is within the prescribed schedule change deadline.
    Year-Length Courses - Students are expected to remain in year-length courses for the entire year.  The only exceptions made to this policy are:
    • If the administration, counselor, and teacher believe the student is unable to make a passing grade despite the student's best efforts including completion of all assignments, tutoring, study groups, and assistance during/before/after school.
    • If the student needs to drop an elective class in order to enroll in a course that is required for graduation.
    • If the student is dropping an elective course to take a required course that was not available first semester.
    • If the student's counselor and principal determine the change will academically benefit the student.