This course is designed to prepare students to practice advanced business skills, as well as explore the global world of business. Students will practice using a variety of business equipment and explore entrepreneurship and creating documents necessary to obtain employment; students will have the opportunity to participate in mock interviews and job shadowing. We will discuss and practice proper workplace behavior and work with class members on projects for the school and community. Students will be involved in FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) activities. (One-credit, one-year practical art for grades 11-12, 10th standby seating.) Must pay $45 lab fee, which includes FBLA dues and competition fees. Students who take multiple business courses will only pay the FBLA dues and lab fee one time. This course may be repeated for credit. To repeat this course as Advanced Global Business Technology, students must have at least an "A" or "B" for first semester and at least an "A" or "B" at third quarter progress. This is a required class for those students also enrolled in Supervised Business Experience.