• Alternative Programs for Completion of Graduation Requirements

    CJ UNLIMITED (CJU) Alternative
    Schoois a program for students in grades 10-12 who function more effectively in a non-traditional high school setting. The staff at CJU uses a variety of methods to meet the personal, social, and academic needs of each student. The goal at CJU is for each student to complete the state requirements for graduation and become productive citizens. Application to CJU must be made through the high school counselors or CJU administration. Acceptance into the program is based on available space and recommendation. Students who attend CJU are required to complete the state minimum credit requirement (24 credits) in order to graduate. CJU students may participate in CJHS graduation ceremonies; however, they will receive a differentiated diploma.

    Credit Recovery is a program that allows current CJHS students to earn credits for classes which they have failed and/or received no credit for and for students who have dropped out of school to earn credits toward graduation. Credit is earned by completing the assigned curriculum. The students work independently at their own pace. All classes are graded pass/fail and are worth one-half credit each. Students must enroll for credit recovery classes through the high school counselors or CJU administration. A+ and Honors are not possible if student has obtained credit through credit recovery.

    FLEX and Missouri Options Programs are available for students at least 17 years old who are in danger of not graduating due to a lack or credits or other unusual circumstances. Please see your counselor if you would like more information about these programs. 

    Students interested in enrolling in virtual courses should refer to CJR-1 Board Policy IGCD. The enrollment window for virtual classes will be the same as the enrollment window for seated classes. A separate application must be submitted each semester that virtual classes are requested.