• A+ Schools Program
    At Carl Junction High School, we believe that the education of all students is important, regardless of their plans following high school.  The Missouri A+ Schools Program is designed to ensure that all high school students will be provided selections of courses, career counseling, technology and/or workplace skill development opportunities appropriate to their career goals.
    Carl Junction High School has been selected by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education as an A+ Schools site.  The A+ Schools Program guides students in a rigorous program of academic and technical education that will prepare them for the workplace, post-secondary vocational/technical training, or college.  Therefore, the A+ Schools Program encourages students to focus early on a career path and set a goal which includes some training beyond high school.
    A significant part of the A+ Program is its financial incentive.  As long as state funds remain, this incentive provides state-reimbursed tuition to qualified students who continue their education at a Missouri public community college or Missouri vocational/technical school.  In order to qualify, students must:
    1. Attend an A+ designated high school for two years prior to graduation and graduate from high school with a minimum 95% attendance
    2. Graduate with a minimum 2.5 grade point average
    3. Perform 50 hours of unpaid tutoring
    4. Have achieved a score of proficient or advanced on the Algebra I end-of-course assessment (class of 2015 and beyond)
    5. Maintain good citizenship
    6. Sign a drug testing consent form and participate in the Carl Junction drug testing program
    7. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
    8. Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
    9. Register with selective service (males only) www.sss.gov
    If you or your parents have any questions concerning the A+ Schools Program, please feel free to contact the A+ Office at 649-7081 and ask for the appropriate office/extension.   The A+ Coordinator will gladly answer your questions.