• National Honor Society

    National Honor Society was founded in 1921 to create an organization that would recognize and encourage academic achievement while developing other characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy. Membership is both an honor and a commitment and is based on the following four ideals: 

    Scholarship: Cumulative five-semester G.P.A. must be at least 3.5.
    Service: School, church, and/or community activities (evaluated on a point basis from information submitted by the candidate)
    Leadership: Offices held, honors, awards, work record, and home responsibilities (evaluated on a point basis from information submitted by the candidate)
    Character: Evaluated on a point basis regarding information submitted by the

    More specifically, in order to qualify for National Honor Society at Carl Junction High School, the student must meet the following requirements:
    1.  Be a current junior or senior, having attended CJHS for at least a semester.
    2.  Earned a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 at semester.
    3.  Be involved in many extracurricular activities where the student exemplifies Service, Leadership, and Co-curricular exercises.
    4.  Evaluated by faculty in the areas of character, service, and leadership.
    A committee of faculty members determines inductees based on total combined score from the areas listed above (not identified by name, but an anonymously assigned number). After the student has been nominated into the National Honor Society, he or she is formally admitted into the local chapter at a ceremony.
    Please contact Mrs. Kristi Alford (kalford@cjr1.org), CJHS NHS Sponsor, with additional questions.