Students in this course will discover the principles of economics that apply to the functions of themselves as individuals and the principles that apply to an economic system. In the fall semester, Microeconomics helps students develop familiarity with: the basic concepts of economics as applied to Microeconomics, operation of product and factor markets, distributions of income, market failure, role of government in promoting greater efficiency and equity in the economy. In the spring semester, Macroeconomics helps students develop familiarity with: the basic concepts of economics as applied to Macroeconomics, study of national income and price-level determination, economic performance measures, the financial sector, stabilization policies, economic growth, and International economics. Students learn reading and writing strategies framed in graphs, charts, and data to analyze, describe, and explain relevant economic concepts, theories, and perspectives. (One credit, one-year elective for grades 11-12) Students enrolling in this course are strongly encouraged to have a Reading IXL score of 1100+.