• Transfer Students from Unaccredited Schools/Home Schools Policy
    Students transferring to Carl Junction High School from an unaccredited school and/or home school will be required to provide an official transcript from the school of courses completed.  In order to have those classes/credits placed on the student's transcript/permanent record, the student must take the final examinations for the corresponding courses offered at Carl Junction High School.  The minimum percentage the student must earn on each exam taken is 90%.  (For example, if the student completed Algebra I in an unaccredited school or home school, he/she would take the first and second semester examinations for Algebra I at Carl Junction High School.  If he/she earned the required percentage, those semester credits would be placed on his/her transcript as a "P" for pass.)
    If a student completed courses in an unaccredited school or home school that CJHS does not offer, the transferring student must provide a portfolio of the work completed, including: course objectives, time logs, completed assignments, projects, etc.  CJHS administrative staff (along with additional faculty/staff as needed) will evaluate the submitted portfolio materials and will determine whether or not the materials submitted meet the necessary time and ability requirements to award elective Carnegie credits.
    Students who transfer into Carl Junction High School from a non-traditional high school setting (i.e. Division of Youth Services, in-house treatment centers, etc.) will receive Pass or Fail grades for the semesters of credit they earn/earned in the non-traditional setting(s).  The student's cumulative grade point average will be a reflection of the grades and credits earned at CJHS or other accredited high school settings.
    Students will not be enrolled and/or allowed to attend classes at CJHS until all testing has been completed, all supplemental materials have been submitted and evaluated, and all credit and transcript issues have been resolved.