- Carl Junction High School
- Policies & General Information
- Definitions of Terms
Planning Guide
Page Navigation
- CJHS Planning Guide
Policies & General Information
- Enrollment Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Suggested Plan of Study with Mandated Courses
- Schedule Change Information & Policy
- High School Proficiency Testing Policy
- Part-Time Attendance & Early Graduation Guidelines
- Alternative Programs for Completion of Graduation Requirements
- Academic Honors
- Definitions of Terms
- Grading Scale
- Gifted Education Policy
- Accommodation of Students with Disabilities (including those not eligible for Special Services)
- Students Eligible for Special Education Services Under IDEA
- Title IX Compliance
- A+ Schools Program
- Transcripts
- Dual Credit / Dual Enrollment / Distance Learning
- Dual Credit Course Offerings
- Accuplacer Exam Information
- NCAA / NAIA Athletics
- Career Planning
2025-26 Course List
- Agriculture
Business Technology
- Personal Finance
- Accounting
- Global Business Technology
- Multimedia
- Video Productions
- Advanced Video Productions, Advertising, and Marketing
- Graphic Design & Marketing
- Business Management
- Business Management II
- Service Learning & Leadership in the Workplace
- Community Internship
- Supervised Business Experience (SBE)
Communication Arts
Language Arts
- Elements of Literacy
- Language Arts I
- Language Arts I Advanced
- Language Arts I Enrichment
- Language Arts II
- Language Arts II Advanced
- Language Arts II Enrichment
- Language Arts III
- Language Arts III Advanced
- Language Arts IV: Technical Writing
- CP Language Arts IV
- DC English Comp 101 & 102 (Crowder ENG 101 & ENG 102)
- Advanced Placement Language Arts IV
- Oral Communications
- DC Oral Communications (Missouri State COM 115)
- DC Introduction to Literature (MSU ENG 200 Great Books & Instant Classics)
- Creative Writing
- Fictional Literature
- Yearbook
- Speech & Debate
Language Arts
- Family & Consumer Science
- Fine Arts
- Industrial Technology
- Mathematics
- Physical Education
- Science
- Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM)
- Social Studies
- World Language
- Air Force Junior ROTC
Special Offerings
- Dual Credit / Dual Enrollment / Distance Learning
- Missouri Southern Center for Advanced Professional Studies (MOSO CAPS)
- Cadet Teaching (MSSU EDUC 100 Introduction to Teacher Education)
- Community Connected Leadership
- Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Crowder College)
- Launch Online Program: High School Courses
- Computer Science Essentials
- Office Aide
- Freshman/Sophomore Enrichment
- Junior Enrichment
- Senior Enrichment
- STEM Enrichment
- Library Science
- Outdoor Pursuits Assistant
- Fine Arts Assistant
- Carthage Technical Center
- Franklin Technology Center
- 2024-25 Enrollment Forms & Instructions
- Return to Counseling Office Website
Definition of Terms
Advanced Placement: Advanced Placement courses prepare a student to take an examination which could qualify the student to earn college credits. AP courses can help students acquire the skills and habits needed to be successful in college. Students will improve writing skills, sharpen problem-solving abilities, and develop time management skills, discipline, and study habits.
Articulation: This is a process for linking two or more education systems within a community or larger area to help students make a smooth transition from one level to another without experiencing delays, duplication of courses, or loss of credit. Articulation sometimes results in free college credit.
Credit: The numerical value received for successful completion of a particular course. One full-year, full-block instruction equals one credit; one-semester, full-block instruction equals one-half credit.
Dual Enrollment: Dual enrollment classes are taught by a college professor on a college campus or online.
Dual Credit: Dual credit courses allow students the opportunity to earn both high school credit and college credit at the same time. Students are able to obtain college credit at a reduced tuition price. Tuition is set by the college and is the responsibility of the student and parent. Dual credit offerings are subject to cancellation if the minimum number of students is not met. If a class overfills, upperclassmen will take precedence.
Elective: A course that may be chosen for study (as distinguished from courses which are requirements).
Grade Point (GP):The numerical value assigned to a letter grade: CJHS uniform grading scale:
Grade Point Average (G.P.A.): The average numerical value of all grades earned.
Homeroom: Homeroom is a period during each day designed to provide structured learning time. Assemblies and other school-wide activities may take place during this period of time. Homeroom teachers will meet with students about grades and academic progress. Students may be allowed to get help from teachers during this time. This is a full year, no-credit activity for grades 9-12.
Prerequisite: This is a condition that must be met in order to enroll in a course.
Proficiency Testing: Students who believe that they already possess the knowledge, skills, and competencies required in a particular course may take a proficiency test in order to move ahead to a more advanced course. A complete description of this opportunity is provided in the Policies portion of this publication.
Religion Credits: Transfer credits in religious studies from an accredited private school, such as “Bible Studies,” may count as elective credit to meet the credits required for graduation from CJHS.
Repeated Courses: Students who have earned a low grade in a prerequisite course may, with approval, repeat the course in an effort to meet a prerequisite grade but will receive only one credit for a full-year course that is completed and then repeated. Students taking courses for the first time will have priority over students repeating courses if class sizes dictate a limited enrollment. All grades earned will remain on the transcript; this does not erase original efforts. Grades from the repeated course, or second course, will be listed on the transcript, but credit will not be given, and the grade will not affect the GPA.
Requirements: A course that is required for graduation.
Standby Seating: This refers to classes in which priority is given to certain grade levels before being open to other grade levels.
Summer School: CJHS students have the opportunity to recover credit for a number of courses in summer school. Summer school grades will not be included in computing high school G.P.A. NCAA and some colleges could interpret pass/fail grades as a D-.
Work Permits: Fourteen- and fifteen-year-old students who are employed outside of regular school hours will be given a Missouri State work permit upon request if they have no D’s or F’s on their previous quarter or semester report card. Progress reports will not be used to meet the requirements for work permits. Work permits are available from counselors.