Air Force JROTC is a citizenship program with the mission of Developing Citizens of Character Dedicated to Serving their Nation and Community.  

    This program is open to all high school students grades 9 - 12 and is designed for cadets to learn the program in their first year, assist in teaching the program to new cadets in their second year, and manage and lead the program in their third and fourth years.  Course curriculum includes Aerospace Studies (Aviation History, The Science of Flight, Space Exploration and Cultural Studies) and Leadership Studies which is designed to help better prepare students for a successful life after high school and focuses heavily on team building and decision making and allowing the cadets to gain confidence and experience as a leader and grow as a student and person.  

    All cadets are required to wear the AFJROTC uniform once each week and comply with grooming standards while in uniform, adhere to behavior requirements and participate in physical fitness activities. Cadets may earn their required PE credit after two years of AFJROTC.  
    AFJROTC Leadership/Extracurricular Activities include: Drill/Color Guard, Saber Team, Marksmanship, Drones, Robotics, JLAB (Academic Team), Physical Fitness Teams, and Mentoring.   Cadets will have the opportunity to participate in Community Service Projects and attend Curriculum in Action Field Trips that may include trips to museums and military installations.  

    Eligible cadets interested in earning a private pilot’s license will have the opportunity to compete for Flight Academy, a $25,000 scholarship which allows a cadet to attend pilot training during the summer for 8 weeks.  Senior Cadets interested in earning a scholarship to attend college Air Force ROTC may compete for a J-100 college scholarship, which includes tuition, books and housing to any college that offers the college Air Force ROTC program. 

    Students can earn their Physical Education credit through the AFJROTC courses. Students will need to complete two full-year courses to receive 1 full credit of PE needed to graduate.

    AFJROTC is not associated with any military recruiting program and does not include physical fitness minimum standards.