• Public Safety

    Program Video

    Public Safety


    Crime Scene Investigation I

    Grade: 11

    This course will give an introduction to the importance of physical evidence in solving crimes, basics in crime scene assessment, elements of fingerprinting, evidence collecting, photography, and processing methods and documentation.   Topics covered include:  orientation and evaluation, ethics and integrity, review of report writing, law enforcement forensics field work, safety, interpersonal skills and group dynamics, thinking and problem solving skills, and communication skills.  Students are encouraged to join SkillsUSA, the Career and Technical Student Organization for Public Safety.  There is a $30 fee for Skills USA membership (optional but encouraged)  Students will also be required to obtain and learn certain career based learning that will ensure the students ability to enter the workforce. Classes in resume building, job skill interview, application processing as well as career preparation personal skills will be developed throughout the class.

    First Responder/First Aid 

    Grade: 11

    This class provides students with entry-level knowledge of the various duties and knowledge of EMR (Emergency Medical Response) and how it relates to the roles of  public safety.: This course covers basic first aid, patient assessment, medical emergencies, Trauma, EMS operations, Vehicle Extrication and special Rescue, Incident Management. Students will also learn the effective and appropriate responses to emergency situations as it pertains to public safety. Topics covered in this course include the preparatory process, state and federal laws.  This course also provides the student with the opportunity to become certified BLS CPR and Heartsaver First Aid through the American Heart Association. Students are encouraged to join SkillsUSA, the Career and Technical Student Organization for Public Safety.  There is a $30 fee for SkillsUSA membership (optional but encouraged). Students will also be required to obtain and learn certain career based learning that will ensure the students ability to enter the workforce. Classes in resume building, job skill interview, application processing as well as career preparation personal skills will be developed throughout the class.

    Criminal Justice I (Crowder College Dual Credit Option)

    Grade: 11

    Prerequisite: 90% Attendance, Acceptable Behavior Record, Good Grades.

    Students who elect to take the class for dual credit will earn 3 credit hours. The Crowder course title is CJ 101 - Intro to Criminal Justice. The optional college course fee is currently $60 per credit hour (subject to change yearly). Students will study social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of behavior. Students will use a social science research model to investigate contemporary American issues of social inequality, patterns of behavior, forces for social change and resistance, and also learn how social systems work. Students will study people in their interactions with others and practice interpersonal skills. They will discuss self-concept, develop and understanding of how people function as individuals and members of groups, and understand the impact of social institutions. Content includes introductions to criminology, ethics as applied to correction services, legal responsibilities, teamwork, constitutional law, use of force, and conflict resolution. Students will learn and be certified in: National Incident Management System, and Hunter’s Safety. Students are encouraged to join SkillsUSA, the Career and Technical Student Organization for Public Safety. There is a $30 fee for Skills USA membership (optional but encouraged).

    Crime Scene Investigation II (Crowder College Dual Credit Option)

    Grade: 12

    Prerequisite - Passed CSI I with a C or higher OR teacher permission

    Students who elect to take the class for dual credit will earn 3 credit hours. The Crowder course title is CJ 102 – Crime Scene Processing. The optional college course fee is currently $60 per credit hour (subject to change yearly). This course will be an extension of Crime Scene Investigation 1 and will cover physical evidence in solving crimes, crime scene assessment, fingerprinting, evidence collecting, photography, and processing methods and documentation. This course will have project based work including much field-work in the crime scene area. Topics covered include:  orientation and evaluation, ethics and integrity, review of report writing, law enforcement forensics field work, safety, interpersonal skills and group dynamics, thinking and problem solving skills, and communication skills.  Students are encouraged to join SkillsUSA, the Career and Technical Student Organization for Public Safety.  There is a $30 fee for SkillsUSA membership (optional but encouraged). Students will also be required to obtain and learn certain career based learning that will ensure the students ability to enter the workforce. Classes in resume building, job skill interview, application processing as well as career preparation personal skills will be developed throughout the class.

    911 Dispatching/Emergency Response (Crowder College Dual Credit Option)

    Grade: 12

    Prerequisite: Students must be 18 years of age to obtain a certificate for the 911 Dispatching Certification for this program, 90% Attendance, Acceptable Behavior Record, Good Grades.

    Students who elect to take the class for dual credit will earn 3 credit hours. The Crowder course title is CJ 103 - Telecommunications. The optional college course fee is currently $60 per credit hour (subject to change yearly). The Emergency Telecommunicator course is a course for entry-level emergency telecommunicators.  This course was created by the National Academies of Emergency Dispatch.  This program is designed to train new students who want to study emergency communications centers and their technology, legal guidelines, stress factors, and learn methods of communication.  Certification for this course is available upon completion of the Academy’s 40 hour (minimum) Emergency Telecommunicator Course along with a passing score of 80% or greater on the exam.  Students are encouraged to join SkillsUSA, the Career and Technical Student Organization for Public Safety.  There is a $30 fee for SkillsUSA membership (optional but encouraged). Students will also be required to obtain and learn certain career based learning that will ensure the students ability to enter the workforce. Classes in resume building, job skill interview, application processing as well as career preparation personal skills will be developed throughout the class.

    Criminal Justice II (Crowder College Dual Credit Option)

    Grade: 12

    Prerequisite: Criminal Justice I 90% Attendance, Acceptable Behavior Record, Good Grades.  

    Students may take Criminal Justice 1 and Criminal Justice II concurrently with approval.  

    Students who elect to take the class for dual credit will earn 3 credit hours. The Crowder course title is CJ 190 - Patrol Operations. The optional college course fee is currently $60 per credit hour (subject to change yearly).Students will learn everyday police tactics (traffic stops, calls for service, interview techniques, etc.) with many hands-on activities. Students will also use standard operational procedures used in the criminal justice system, apply psychology principles to deal with erratic behavior, apply anger management techniques to resolve conflicts and reduce anger, evaluate the surrounding environment for signs of potential problems and/or danger, and take on leadership responsibilities to demonstrate the knowledge and skills to collaborate in projects and work activities in the correctional environment. Students will learn and practice crime scene processing techniques with many hands-on activities. Students will learn and be certified in: POST Approved Basic Corrections Officer Academy, intermediate control device training and certifications, National Incident Management System, TASER, and Firearm Safety. Lab and uniform Fee: $120.00. Students are encouraged to join SkillsUSA, the Career and Technical Student Organization for Public Safety.  There is a $30 fee for Skills USA membership (optional but encouraged).

    Criminal Justice III - INTERNSHIP

    Grade: 12

    Prerequisite: Criminal Justice I, 90% Attendance, Background Check (Done by LEO Agency), Acceptable Behavior Record, Good Grades.The internship program is by application only through the Criminal Justice Program.  Prior to enrolling, students must be approved by a criminal justice instructor and the LEO agency hiring the intern.  Students will be given various options in the court, records, police and sheriff offices in the area.  An interview process with the selected organization is required.