• Enrollment Policy Statement
    Students and parents are expected to give serious thought to course selections.  An investigation into the nature and content of courses should be a vital part of every student's course selection process.  It is the ultimate responsibility of the students and their parents to make sure that all graduation requirements are fulfilled as they make course selections.
    Classes must have a minimum number of students enrolled in order for them to be offered.  The administration sets minimum numbers for regular education classes as well as AP/Dual Credit classes.  Classes that do not meet this minimum number after scheduling is completed may be deleted, and those students affected will be enrolled in an alternate choice.
    Students who fail courses have three options available to them to make up the failed credit.  1) Students can repeat the course, 2) take the course in summer school credit recovery, or 3) take the course in school-year credit recovery.  Students who fail any required course must enroll in the failed course the following semester or enroll in credit recovery.  Students must make specific arrangements through their counselor to enroll in credit recovery courses.  Seniors who fail required first-semester courses must enroll in those courses second semester (if it is offered); otherwise, the student may enroll in the course in credit recovery.  Students must enroll in required credits before they will be allowed to enroll in elective courses.
    *A student's eligibility for participation in graduation exercises will be determined by grades earned up to and including the date and time of the last regularly scheduled senior final.