The Carl Junction High School Band is a performance-based opportunity for advanced musicians who want to further their musical knowledge and skill. In the fall, band camp occurs before the semester begins. Students should attend to secure a drill number for competitive marching. Students not in attendance will be assigned an alternate part. Please see the band calendar for dates. Marching band practices at 7:00 am daily and performs for home football games and in area marching festivals. The marching band will perform exciting contemporary shows written by the most outstanding arrangers and drill writers available. Starting in November, the band performs as the Concert Band. Based on the number of students, two or more concert bands might be available. Activities include winter and spring concerts, various festival performances, district and state music festivals, all-district and all-state honor band opportunities. The Concert Band will rehearse and perform exemplary literature of outstanding composers. Repertoire will include contemporary pieces, as well as standards of wind band literature. (One-credit, one-year fine arts elective for grades 9-12.) Prerequisite: Students not currently enrolled in Band need director’s permission before enrolling for the next year. This course may be repeated for credit. There will be fees for this course, however, we can work around financial hardship—see the band director for additional information.