Emphasis in this yearlong class is on instructional technique and skill development in progressive resistance strength training.  In this class, students will meet five (5) days a week and will receive two (2) PE credits for the class.  Training will focus on core strength, Olympic lifts, plyometric movements, functional movement/strength, speed/agility and overall total body fitness and health--not only for athletic purposes, but also for a healthy lifestyle.  The primary goals of the class are to train the body to help with injury prevention/rehabilitation and individual strength and speed development.  The five (5) day week approach will allow the training program to have a more traditional approach of upper/lower body split routines along with the added benefit of plyometric activity, balance/stability, functional movement and core/neck strength each day.  Enrollment for this course will be limited. If students do not meet the instructors' daily expectations for effort, attitude, and attendance they may be removed from this course. (One year, two-credit course for grades 10-12) Prerequisites for this class are as follows:

    • One (1) full year of athletic training with the grade of an A and/or instructor approval
    • Students must enroll in the class for the entire year.  Seniors who do not play a spring sport may be enrolled in the fall semester only. EXCEPTION: removal due to medical reasons with a physician note.
    • Physical training uniforms are required for this class (Carl Junction t-shirt and 9" inseam red or black shorts) and may be offered for purchase.
    • This course can be repeated for credit.  
    • Students in this course may NOT concurrently enroll in Power Walking or Physical Education